Arsenalet is a practical work environment structured around creativity, quality, originality and growth, which plays host to companies specializing in animation, games, visual design, visualization and conceptualization, as well as XR applications
Expand Your Talent Pool with Arsenalet's Freelance Community.
Among the 60+ Companies that reside in Arsenalet there are lots of possibilities to find an interesting fit for your company.
We have different opportunities for you if you want to team up, work together or engage in the creative industry.
Are you looking to expand your team’s capabilities or tap into new creative talent? At Arsenalet, we offer a unique opportunity for companies in advertising, 3D, architecture, exhibition and related fields to connect with a diverse and highly skilled freelance network.
Located in Viborg, our community unites both start-ups and established studios in a historic, dynamic environment—creating the perfect setting for collaboration. With a deeply international culture, Arsenalet is a gateway to a rich pool of freelance talent ready to support your projects and extend your team’s reach.
Join us and be part of a vibrant ecosystem that empowers the animation and visual industry in Denmark and beyond.
Let’s discuss how Arsenalet can help you achieve more.
Contact us
Marie Munch Burski
Head of Creative Viborg & Arsenalet
P: +45 2629 4946